The Financial Post printed that You Move Me’s brand, which FreeBird Agency created, is “a spectacular piece of branding”.
We had a lot of fun working on the project and it’s nice to see that the world is taking notice. Working with Brian Scudamore is a lot of fun because we work well together and he brings a lot of great ideas tot he table. You Move Me recently launched 26 franchises across North American on the same day including Vancouver, Toronto and most major cities in the United States.
We were petty stocked to find out that some of our favourite clients had such amazing things to say about the work we do.
Brian Scudamore is featured on Season 19 of Dragons' Den!
Have You Built A Powerful Contracting Brand That Works For You?
Since the late 1800’s brands have helped companies distinguish their products from competition and helped to create a sense of importance and consumer identification. But which brands have stood the test of time? Here are five well-known brands that appear a lot younger then they really are.